About Us
The Pine Rivers Municipal Brass Band is incorporated under the Associations Incorporations Act 1981 (QLD) and affiliated with the Queensland Band Association and was founded in May 1992. The band is made up of volunteers of all ages and musical abilities who dedicate a lot of their free time to rehearsing, playing in the community and also in the organisation of the band.
The band has a very diverse repertoire and performs at community events, fetes and retirement villages in the Moreton Bay region.
We hold two major concerts each year. One mid-year concert and an end of year concert. Both concerts are very popular with audiences.

Musical Director
Graham Drane
Deputy Bandmaster - John Lennon
Committee Members
President - Doug Hastie
Secretary - Annyce Turlea
Treasurer - Stuart Jaeschke
Committee - Graham Drane
Committee - Stephen Pinch
Committee - Kathy Drane
Committee - Kerrod Atfield
Property Officer - Kerrod Atfield
Librarian / Admin Assistant - Kathy Drane